Buy and Sell of plantain

We buy and sell Plantain in bulk or something we link you with good buyers in case you don't where to sell your Plantain. The price of Plantain is base on market strength. You can call us in case you have Plantain to sell. 

We also supply to industries those who are using it for industrial purpose. There is always standby in need of Plantain. I can assure you that there is standby market for purchase of Plantain.

According to market survey, price of Plantain has raise up to N70,000 per 12 bunches of Plantain. Depend of the size. This normal occur around April till July.

While the price is falling towards end of the year.

Note: this price is not fixed, it subject to change at any time depend on demand and supply rate.

To procure your disease free Plantain Suckers feel free to contact our contact form page and place your order.
We will respond back to you promptly. You can also chat with us on our Whatsapp messager