Guidelines For Starting Plantain Farming

1. Look for the right climate – Plantain and have one thing in common and that is, they thrives very well in an average climate that
is neither too hot nor very cold. They do well in naturally fertilized soil or thick compost manure.

Having them in groups is another tricks to getting good harvest because they protect each other from harsh rays of the sun or alternatively, if
there are other trees to provide some needed shades that could help to maintain the humidity of the environment, that would suffice.

2. Get Healthy suckers –  Plantain are not grown like other plants but its grown through suckers and as such, choosing healthy suckers goes a long way to producing healthy harvests. Always use suckers from matured and dying plantain plants. 

Call me for your hybrid Plantain suckers on 08065987831 or send your email to

3. Transplant – While transplanting, make sure that the corm or the roots at the bottom is trimmed properly to facilitate good growths. Give five meters gap between plants and keep the plants moist at the early days but do not over wet the soil because the leaves are not yet out for much water evaporation.