cost of setting up plantain on one acre of land

 Cost of setting up plantain farm on one acre

Land Procurement 
You need a land you can either buy a land or lease one. Depend on your financial capacity, you can decide on buying or lease. If you decide on lease one agrees for not less than four years or more. I cannot assume the cost of buying land or lease a land. If you can get land inside deep forest or a land that has been cultivated for very long time will be added advantage for you. 

Clearing of land

To clear one acre of land by manual method, you should prepare for N15K TO N20K, depending on area. Tell the laborer to burn it for you or they should sweep it, if you are doing the clearing during raining season to enable you to plant properly.

Procurement of suckers

Call below mobile for your Hybrid Plantain Suckers, each sucker sold for N80, it is not a fix price

Planting of plantain sucker

Each sucker plantain at rate of N25 per sucker. Not a fix price.

Transportation of suckers
if you are transport it within Lagos and Ogun state you should prepare 
for 20k to 25k if there is no petrol scarcity. 

Farm Maintenance or farm Management 

Every two months you should be able to clear the weed. If you decide to clear the weed by application of herbicide, you spend approximately N5000 per month. But if you choose to clear the weed by labour, engage daily workers, you may end p pay 15k per month for clearing of weed.

Manure Application. 

Buy like 5 bags of dry manure, each bag sold for N600. 

Clearing ……………………………………………..N20,000.00

To procure your diseases free plantain suckers and set up your own plantain plantation click on CONTACT FORM and place your order.